Webinar #onlinetogether: Perception of teachers and students regarding online education: opportunities and challenges
#onlinetogether #impreunaonline #covid19 #webinar
Online education, at the forefront of the educational process during this period, determines us to reflect more deeply on the role of the teacher and the student in the pedagogical act, as well as on the interaction between teachers and students.
Online teaching, on the one hand, demands not only an understanding of the content, but also a constant concern about how this content is presented.
Online learning, on the other hand, reflects to a greater extent the contribution of individual study and student autonomy in learning. How to provide the student in this context with a relevant learning experience is a challenge.
To meet this challenge, the first step is to identify the perception of teachers and students on online education.
Does online education stimulate innovative teaching methods and autonomy in learning?
Do we spend more time now in the online environment than usual?
Does developing the presentation of the course and seminar, as well as carrying out the tasks, require more time and effort?
These are the questions that this webinar found the answers to, under the slogan #onlinetogether.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marian Ilie, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Macsinga and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mădălin Bunoiu brought to attention the needs of Romanian universities, in order to be accepted in the top of modern universities of the XXI century and they emphasized the need to develop and maintain the platforms used in online education.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Macsinga, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology at UVT
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Madalin Bunoiu , Vice-rector responsible for Academic Strategy, West University of Timișoara
They answered to the various questions and issues that were raised by over 270 participants from various academic environments and they highlighted the following aspects as the most important in the digital race : connectivity, human capital, the use of Internet, integration of digital technology and digital public services.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Madalin Bunoiu
Mădălin BUNOIU is the Vice-Rector responsible for the academic strategy at the West University of Timișoara and PhD in the Faculty of Physics, having as areas of research obtaining and characterizing materials with optical, electrical and magnetic properties and educational physics respectively. Mădălin Bunoiu is a member of important national bodies in the field of education, such as the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) or the Consultative College for Research, Development and Innovation (CCCDI).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marian Ilie
Marian D. ILIE (bachelor and Phd in education sciences) is a university lecturer in the Department for the Training of Teaching Personnel (DPPD), director of the DPPD and coordinator of the Center for Academic Development at the West University of Timișoara. The main areas of interest are: curriculum development, training design, empirical evidence in education and didactic training of teachers. He has extensive experience in organizing, implementing and evaluating the impact of training programs and activities for pre-university and university teaching staff. Over time, he coordinated 10 projects / grants as project director or principal researcher and published studies in high visibility international journals.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Macsinga
Irina MACSINGA is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology at the West University of Timișoara, and currently holds the position of dean of this faculty. Her professional interests are aimed at fundamental and applied research, with an emphasis on educational psychology. During 2007-2010, she coordinated the research area of the Center for Psychological Counseling and Career Guidance of the UVT (currently CCOC). She is involved in numerous national and international projects with an educational component, author of books and articles with international visibility and member of the European Universities Association.
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